What is lactose intolerance? How tall would you be if you kept growing at the same speed as a baby? What is the difference between an infectious and non-infectious disease? Your body is far more complex than any machine and performs more tasks than a computer, so it is in your best interests to take care of it! Health and Wellness explains how your body grows and works to protect you from getting ill. It also explains what is needed to keep your body clean, healthy, and running smoothly. It's important stuff to know. After all, it's the only body you will ever have!
ISBN-13: 9781406211528 Availability: Temporarily out of stock
Published: August 2009 Reading Level: Upper Primary, Lower Secondary Pages: 48 Format: Hardback Publisher:Raintree Product Category: Health PE&PD / Health PE&PD: Issues / Health PE&PD: Iss - Children