Rooted in millennia of history but moving to the contemporary beat of globalization, Chinese society is marked both by tradition and rapid change. The urban bustle of cities like Shanghai and Beijing; the Great Wall of China and temples to Confucius; rice balls, ramen, and chopsticks; the Lantern Festival, tai chi, and ping pong - China's new and old worlds are both celebrated in this volume on the country's customs and culture.
Covering history and religion; family and friends; food and drink; school and work; arts and entertainment; and cities, towns, and the countryside; Tradition, Culture and Daily Life; Major Nations in a Global World explores what makes key countries unique magnets for the world's fascination.
ISBN-13: 9781422233429
Availability: Temporarily out of stock
Published: September 2015
Reading Level: Secondary
Pages: 64
Format: Hardback
Publisher: Mason Crest Publishing
Product Category: Geography & Environment / Geo/Env: Cultures/Societies