When it comes to social progress and sustainability, the Near East faces many challenges. In this region where three major religions - Christianity, Judaism, and Islam - originated, Islam is the mostly widely followed. Religious differences have caused tensions throughout the region's history - even among those of the Islamic faith. Religion is a driving force in the governments, and some leaders have used religion to justify authoritative control - limiting democracy, individualism, and freedom. In recent years, millions of people have fled political violence in hope of better lives elsewhere. Nonetheless, some countries are progressing toward tolerance and greater personal rights.
ISBN-13: 9781422234976
Availability: Temporarily out of stock
Published: February 2017
Reading Level: Secondary
Pages: 80
Format: Hardback
Publisher: Mason Crest Publishing
Product Category: Geography & Environment / Geo/Env: Countries/Continents / Geo/Env: CC - Middle East