Are you fascinated by the weather? If so, you could have a weather career. This compelling volume highlights weather careers and the educational requirements necessary to pursue these fascinating careers. You likely already know about some of these weather-related careers. For instance, most of us watch our local news to get the weather forecast from a meteorologist, but there are many fascinating weather careers you may never have heard about. Do you know what a hydrologist is? How about a climatologist? Learn about all of these careers in this book. Weather is such an integral part of the daily routine that most people forget how truly powerful of a force weather actually is. Why not make a career out of studying this powerful force of nature? Each book in The New Weather series provides very interesting information about everything you have ever wanted to know about weather and climate. Readers can learn weather fundamentals, explore how scientists study the weather, and be amazed by some of the most extreme weather on our planet.
Australian Curriculum: