The voyage of Jason and the heroes aboard the Argo is one of the more famous Greek myths. Jason's quest is to find the golden fleece and bring it back to his homeland. En route, the Argonauts - as he and his companions are called - have many frightening adventures as they travel far from home. With the help of the gods and of Medea, who has fallen in love with him, Jason meets the challenge. But when Jason and Medea marry and return to Greece, their life will turn tragic. As readers follow the suspenseful tale of Jason and the Argonauts, they will glimpse a lively Greek culture - and in these characters, they may recognize a piece of themselves.
ISBN-13: 9781584155522
Availability: No Longer Available
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Published: May 2014
Reading Level: Secondary
Pages: 48
Format: Hardback
Publisher: Mitchell Lane Publishers
Product Category: Myths & Beliefs / M&B: Legends & Myths