Sadiq: And the Big Election

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Published: June 2022
For Ages: Primary
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Author: Siman Nuurali

Product Category: Fiction / Fiction: Age Groups / Fiction: Age 8 - 9

Series: Sadiq
Published By: Capstone
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Published: 01-Jun-2022
Format: Paperback, 64 pages
RRP: $12.99
ISBN: 9781663921901
Ms. Battersby has announced that Sadiq's third-grade class will be having elections for student government! Everyone is buzzing with excitement, but Sadiq isn't sure about any of it. Should he run for one of the positions? He does lots of research and gets good advice from his parents and siblings. Watching an inspiring speech finally helps him decide exactly what he wants to do. But when a good friend has the same idea, Sadiq questions his decision. Can friendships survive an election?

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