A dormant volcano is about to blow its top, threatening to devastate a nearby city. One intrepid young journalist packs his bags and gets ready to risk his life to report on one of nature's most deadly catastrophes! As he joins a team of experts battling the erupting volacno, do you dare to join him as he witnesses the fury of this lethal force. Hard-hitting facts accompany a gripping storyline, providing an origianl and fascinating way of studying the volcano phenomenon. As the journalist's adventures take him close to danger, will the team make it back in time and avert disaster?
ISBN-13: 9781860074325
Availability: No Longer Available
Item is obsolete and cannot be re-ordered
Published: June 2004
Reading Level: Primary
Pages: 32
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Ticktock Media
Product Category: Geography & Environment / Geo/Env: Environment/Ecology / Geo/Env: EE - Disaster Natural