The Antarctic is almost nothing but ice. Amid this frozen wasteland, however, animal life can survive. Penguins of many kinds live in these icy Southern regions, while the seas around the continent teem with marine life. The islands near the bottom of the world are home to a diverse group of birds, too. But growing interest in the Antarctic is bringing peril to wildlife. Inside, read how experts are trying to make sure penguins and their fellow animals survive.
Ice, ice, and more ice: That's what most people think of the areas at the top and bottom of the world. But the Arctic and Antarctic are rapidly becoming the focus of world attention. Their role in climate change, their potential for energy exploration, and their place as home to amazing wildlife - to say nothing of their place in global politics - means that there has never been a better time for Exploring the Polar Regions Today.
Australian Curriculum: Australian Curriculum Correlation:
ISBN-13: 9781422238646
Availability: Temporarily out of stock
Published: June 2018
Reading Level: Upper Primary, Lower Secondary
Pages: 64
Format: Hardback
Publisher: Mason Crest Publishing
Product Category: Geography & Environment / Geo/Env: Countries/Continents / Geo/Env: CC - Antarctic/Arctic