Customs and Cultures of the World: My Teenage Life in Greece

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Published: May 2018
For Ages: Upper Primary, Lower Secondary
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Author: James Buckley Jr.

Product Category: Geography & Environment / Geo/Env: Cultures/Societies

Series: Customs and Cultures of the World
Published By: Mason Crest Publishing
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Published: 01-May-2018
Format: Hardback, 64 pages
RRP: $34.99
ISBN: 9781422239049
Hara is 15 and lives in one of the biggest cities on mainland Greece. She is your guide to what life as a teenager is like in this ancient, yet modern, country. Hear about her favorite music, what she does with her friends, and what she thinks of her future in a country facing economic peril. You'll also explore the history, politics, and economy of Greece.
Understanding different cultures is vital to our own and the world's future. Each book in this series provides a unique point of view from a teenager, all about the country they call home. Learn about what they like, what they think, how they live, and what you have in common. You'll have a better understanding of the Customs and Cultures of the World after you read about a teenager living in another country.

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