The abuse of illegal drugs (especially opioids) and prescription drugs is on the rise in many countries throughout the world. This abuse causes mental and physical illness and the loss of careers and connections with friends and family. Drug abusers can also end up in prison or even dead as a result of an overdose. It's estimated that more than 100,000 Americans died from drug overdoses between May 2020 and April 2021. This was the highest number ever recorded in a single year. Detoxing from Drugs is one of eight titles in the Detoxing From series. Each title spotlights a major addiction; discusses its negative physical and mental effects, as well as its effects on family and other loved ones; and provides an overview of treatment options for the addiction. Profiles of those who are battling addictions are provided to help readers understand that anyone can develop an addiction. Readers will learn that addictions can be overcome with the help of therapy, drug treatments, self-help groups, support family and friends, and other resources.
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