The Science Of...: Searching for Life in Space

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Published: April 2009
For Ages: Upper Primary, Lower Secondary
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Author: Clint Twist
Illustrator: Olivia Johnson

Product Category: Science / Science: Space/Astronomy

Series: The Science Of...
Published By: Ticktock Media
Hi Res Cover Image
Published: 22-Apr-2009
Format: Paperback, 32 pages
RRP: $15.95
ISBN: 9781860075865
Do you want to find out about the latest techniques scientists are using to discover if there really is life in space?
In this book, find out how scientists:
Investigate the possibility of life in our Solar System
Search for life in the Goldilocks Zone - a place where conditions for life might exist
Scour the universe for Earth-like planets using radio telescopes
Research ways of travelling to the stars faster and possibly jump across the universe using wormholes

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