Why Why Why: Are Sharks So Scary?

and other ferocious questions about sharks!
Buy Why Why Why: Are Sharks So Scary? from Daintree Books


Published: June 2010
For Ages: Primary
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Product Category: Nature / Nature: Animals / Nature: Animals - Ocean

Series: Why Why Why
Published By: Mason Crest Publishing
Hi Res Cover Image
Published: 04-Jun-2010
Format: Hardback, 32 pages
RRP: $29.95
ISBN: 9781422215715
Why why why do you ask so many questions? Well if you didn't ask, you would never find out about things!
Take a look inside the pages of this book and discover the answers to loads of interesting questions about sharks.
So what are you waiting for? Ask some questions!
This book is full of interesting facts, colorful drawings, and quick activities to help kids learn.

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